Shiloh is an aspiring model and photographer from Moss Side, who developed a passion for photography at College.
In his words,
“It taught me the insights of how to create great images, and how to use software to edit, add effects and know what makes a good photo stand out”.
Shiloh is in temporary accommodation and has little financial help from his family which immediately puts him at a disadvantage in his chosen field. Photography, as with all creative industries, requires a lot of time and finance to pursue – working class young people don’t often have the benefit of either. He continues to study photography techniques online and through contacts in the industry developed off the back of his own initiative. Shiloh has plans of building his portfolio by taking pictures of the local community whilst also putting smiles on faces – much needed in times like these!
Shiloh applied for support to purchase a camera which would elevate his skills and make people “know the name “Shiloh Marsh” in the next 10 years as the best photographer in Manchester”. A strong shout! Clearly the ambition is there, and we’re delighted to award a grant of £2,000 to enable him to meet that ambition. The grant will be used to purchase the photographic equipment and software he needs to start to develop his photography business and his craft.
Shiloh is an experienced volunteer at KYSO youth group, one of our MRSF referral partners, who supported his application. Kemoy Walker, Youth Worker with KYSO, says:
“Shiloh is a mature young man. I have seen him move around a few times due to the situation with mum and mental health – for a young person who has been through what he has, he has remained strong. He always volunteers and supports young people, and has been helpful in getting them involved in positive work. He is a KYSO volunteer in my group and gives 100% to what he does. The professional equipment he needs will always be out of his financial reach – he deserves an opportunity to succeed.”
Shiloh’s referee has advised us that he will support him to access a photography course now to build his skills, and his ultimate aim is to attend university to study photography. He intends to continue to offer his skills pro-bono to meet community needs as he establishes his reputation. The referee further stated that the youth organisation will support him when out in the community taking pictures so he is not on his own and will support him to understand his safeguarding roles and responsibilities.
We’re extremely proud to be able to support Shiloh on his journey as a Rising Star, and we’ll keep you informed all the way. We Love MCR Charity look forward to inviting him to be an official photographer for our Firewalk 2021! Event in October – we will be overjoyed to see his talents in action!