Each month, our Trustees come together to award grants from our two core funds. The 'Stronger Communities Fund' (SCF), where we seek applications from community groups looking to make a difference in their area, and the 'Manchester's Rising Stars Fund' (MRSF) where we award grants supporting ambitious young Mancunians.
In May, we awarded 11 MRSF grants totalling £12,072. From future sports stars to graphic designers, electrical engineers to health workers, read more about the young people we supported! We look forward to sharing further details about them with you as their journeys progress.
Ruby, 17
Ambition: To play American Football professionally at international level Awarded: £2,555 For: Kit, gym membership, training and travel to games, since being selected for the GB Women’s American Football team

“Thank you so much for this award. This takes the financial pressure off me for playing the sport I love and I will be forever grateful. It also allows me to have my own kit which I am so excited about. Thank you.”
Faye, 21 Ambition: To represent Team GB in Weightlifting Awarded: £896 For: Kit, equipment, and specialist coaching to support her journey to the Olympics.

“This second award will allow me to further invest in the things I need to improve my lifting and will enable me to continue attending squads and competitions around the country, giving me more opportunities to build on my total and climb further up the rankings.”
Salif, 24 Ambition: To become a Radiographer with his own Radiography service Awarded: £127 For: A laptop to complete his college course and go on to University They said:
Muhammed, 25 Ambition: To restart his Electrical Engineering career after seeking refuge in the UK Awarded: £2,495 For: A PRINCE2 qualification and laptop to run necessary software to his career
“It is matter of immense joy for me to have received the MRSF award. It will help me a lot in getting the desired qualification necessary for my career ambitions towards becoming a Project Director. I look forward to utilising it for the best of personal and wider Mancunian community and I hope to give back when the opportunity arises.”
A*, 18 Ambition: To become a children and young people’s nurse Awarded: £900 For: An iPad to support her studies and clinical career
“I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the equipment you awarded me. This award will lift a huge weight off my shoulders and allow me to focus on my studies without worrying about the financial burden. Your generosity will make it possible for me to pursue my dream of becoming a nurse.”
AJ*, 16 Ambition: To become a qualified Psychologist Awarded: £276 For: A laptop and printer to support finishing her A Levels and go to University
“Thank you so much to We love MCR charity for agreeing to make my award possible; these items will come in great use when in university, but also even now when revising for A-levels. The Rising Stars Fund is going to help me achieve my goals of becoming a psychologist and helping other people.”
M*, 19 Ambition: To study Politics at University level and become an activist and politician Awarded: £900 For: An iPad and Apple Pencil to support her with her place at a London university
“I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for the generous donation of an iPad to support me in pursuing my ambition of becoming an activist. We Love MCR's belief in my potential and dedication to empowering individuals like me is truly inspiring.”
Exauce, 16 Ambition: To become a nurse specialising in children’s care Awarded: £127
For: A laptop to finish her college courses and study Children’s Nursing at university
“I cannot express how thankful I am to We Love Manchester Charity for funding me. With this award I will be able to complete all my coursework to the best of my abilities, which will help me progress into to being a successful Children’s Nurse following University.”
Usmaan, 16 Ambition: To start a career in graphic design and animation Awarded: £1525 For: An iPad and accessories to support his college studies
“I am very grateful to We Love MCR for this award. I love to draw, and I want to be an animator. I want to practice digital art in sixth form. The award is really helpful for me to practice my digital drawing skills.”
T*, 19 Ambition: To become a software engineer Awarded: £1136 For: A high-spec laptop to support the coding software she needs to progress with her university studies
“This opportunity has opened more doors for me allowing me to achieve my goals and for that I would thank We Love MCR for making it an easy and accessible experience. I am truly grateful to be given this opportunity and support and making my dreams of achieving my future career a reality. Thank you once again for your incredible support.”
*name withheld at young person's request