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Up and coming photographer Georgia* funded to be a Rising Star

Georgia* is a keen photography student at a Manchester further education facility, with ambitions of becoming a professional wedding photographer. We awarded a grant to her for the cost of her own DSLR camera to help with her college coursework and enable her to get as much practice as possible to perfect her craft.

Currently with Manchester’s Leaving Care service, Georgia has had to work extremely hard so far to prevent personal barriers from negatively impacting her education. Despite the effects of said personal barriers on her mental health leading to periods out of education, along with the stress of placement moves, Georgia buckled down and passed her GCSEs, gaining a well-deserved place on a photography course at college.

Georgia is clearly a committed young individual to have got so far on her own – we know that because of the barriers presented by being in care, in 2019 only 54% of care leavers were in education, training, or employment at 12 months after leaving care. We also know that the right kind of support, funding and encouragement can help those who experience significant disadvantages in education and employment in overcoming these barriers, helping them to reach success on their terms. This is why funding equipment for Georgia could be crucial in helping her to achieve her dream career.

Georgia said:

“Thank you We Love Manchester, thanks to you I’m one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming a photographer!”

Undoubtedly a Rising Star, we can’t wait to see how Georgia gets on with her course and hope to invite her to photograph We Love MCR events in the near future!

*name has been anonymised


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